#1 - ‘Ditching the Wetsuit’ @ Stickle Tarn, Harrison Stickle, Langdale, The Lake District

Published on 23 May 2023 at 20:31

This was our welcome back to British water...and what a welcome it was! 

It's May. So there's no way a wetsuit can be justified. We were thankful actually. Less to carry up Dungeon Ghyll (and less 'soaking wet heavy' stuff to carry back down more to the point) and it was pretty steep. I likened it to Hellvellyn on the way up. One of my more grumpy moments. 1500 ft of stone steps though...

I mean it wasn't an easy walk. Quite difficult really. Some scrambles. Plenty of kids though, so maybe it's just me. But I'm sticking with my judgement. Beautiful scenery though of course (but very sore calf muscles for at least a week beyond)...let's just say I'm back and forth when it comes to walking. 

Ayway, I expected the tarn at each twist and turn. Behind every massive rock. But when it finally arrived, it was well worth the wait. 

So...without wetsuits (but with a neoprene top - ok... I cheated) we waded in. It was...okay actually. Cold, obviously, but not half as bad as I thought it would be. Summer is officially here! 


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