Coniston Coppermines, Coniston, The Lake District
I've never seen a place quite like this before. It felt like being in the Australian outback in parts. Maybe that was partly due to the burning sun. It was so unbelievably hot and dusty on the track up to the falls...
We'd parked just off the village, at the base of the valley I guess, before we began the short walk up the track past a series of less accessible falls.
Before long the scenery opens up and you greet history - the Coppermines Valley. It's a strange sight but surprisingly interesting.
We found a trio of 'perfect-for-dipping' fairy pools just past the YHA cottage. Knee high water. Thigh high at best.
Within minutes I declared this my new favourite spot. The expanse of the dusty landscape veiled by The Old Man. It was honestly beautifully wierd.
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